Are you a fireman instead of a manager?

If YES, find out how to become FREE BOSS!

 Something CAN be done about it! Subscribe for  the webinar NOW!

This webinar is appropriate only for managers, owners, CEO and founders.

Subscribe NOW!

Price: 200 Euro or 234 $

The price includes: all modules for managers; 17 videos

For more information and subscription: +359 2 9623984

See more in the video with the business couch  Marc De Turck


Trainer: Marc de Turck

Марк Де Турк

Marc De Turck is an international trainer and coach with more than 22 years of experience. He has held seminars for top executives and leaders across Europe, Asia, North and South America. He has helped over 1000 companies to improve their organization, sales and marketing strategy so managers are more free and employees can work more efficiently.